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Renal Colic HealthPathway changes and COVID funding update

Change to the renal colic HealthPathway

The management of the acute episode of renal colic has been updated. In particular it includes POAC-funded imaging after acute presentation for all patients aged >/= 50 years, even if pain has fully settled. This information is in management 3, “primary care management” drop box.

The usual requirement of IM/PR analgesia prior to requesting imaging continues

COVID-19 funding

The COVID-19 page on the POAC website details the funding available to primary care. See here

"Referral only" is required for vaccination conversations for Maori/Pacific/LTC and outreach vaccinations. All other COVID related claiming requires an invoice and outcome to be submitted 

For any additional information required that is not detailed here, in the first instance please contact sarahh@easthealth.co.nz or call 021681319

Note  Home visits for vaccination is for approved outreach vaccinators only. Contact your PHO to be added to this list

Diabetic foot

Use of IV antibiotics in primary care for patients with diabetes and active foot disease will only be funded where there is clear documentation of discussion with a named endorsing specialist prior to treatment.

There have been 11 sentinel event cases reported by POAC in last 18 months, in which IV antibiotics have been given in the community without prior discussion, and where the outcome has been hospitalisation and serious events (e.g. amputation)

POAC observation time policy

To assist knowledge of when to claim POAC observation time, a policy has been developed –see here

As a general rule, where a fixed fee is allocated (for example, IV antibiotics) this includes Nurse observation time. If a reaction was to occur requiring additional management, this could be invoiced separately in line with the policy

For clarification on any points within the blog post please email sarahh@easthealth.co.nz


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