Counties Manukau Zoledronate Infusion Subsidy
Funding and Claiming
Take the following steps:
1. Confirm patient meets Pharmac and POAC funding criteria below. (Prior approval using the online application form is no longer required)
Funding criteria:
Pharmac Special Authority application approved, AND
Patient resident in Counties Manukau** catchment area, AND
Patients eGFR >35, AND
Patient holds a CSC card
Recommended by hospital specialist, including previous administration as an inpatient or outpatient, OR
Serious adverse reaction to Alendronate, OR
Unsuitable for use of oral medication
2. Submit referral via the POAC PMS claiming system in the normal way
3. Complete infusion (refer to checklist)
4. Submit subsidy claim of $80 incl GST
Administration fee NOT claimable
** For patients who reside in Auckland or Waitemata refer to: Regional HealthPathway