(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)
Zoledronate (Aclasta) Infusion Administration

Zoledronate (Aclasta) Infusion Administration

Counties Manukau Zoledronate Infusion Subsidy

Funding and Claiming

Take the following steps:

1. Confirm patient meets Pharmac and POAC funding criteria below.  (Prior approval using the online application form is no longer required)

Funding criteria:

  • Pharmac Special Authority application approved, AND

  • Patient resident in Counties Manukau** catchment area, AND

  • Patients eGFR >35, AND

  • Patient holds a CSC card


  • Recommended by hospital specialist, including previous administration as an inpatient or outpatient, OR

  • Serious adverse reaction to Alendronate, OR

  • Unsuitable for use of oral medication

2. Submit referral via the POAC PMS claiming system in the normal way

3. Complete infusion (refer to checklist)

4. Submit subsidy claim of $80 incl GST

Administration fee NOT claimable 

** For patients who reside in Auckland or Waitemata refer to:   Regional HealthPathway


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